Sunday, July 22, 2012

"Dream for Peace"

Truth Is Soft
It Can Be Gentle
It Takes Silence
To Allow You To Feel It

Do You Listen
Or Just Throw It All Away?
Are You Too Busy Proving Your Point
That You Callously Fail To See
The Presence And The Sincerity
Of The Link That Is The Bridge
That Breaks Down The Wall
Between You And Me?

How Many More Battles Need We Wage?
From One Land to Another?
Between One Faith And Another?
From One Language To Another?
Until You Realize
That You Are Fighting With Your Own Brother?

When Will We Be Conflict-Free?
When Can Mankind Have A History of Peace?
How Much More Clearly Can Violence Speak
And Tell You
Its Guns and Warheads Are Weak?

Is It Through The Destruction Of Lives, Limbs, And Family Trees
That Will Make It Plain For You To See
That Conflict Is Destroying Humanity?

Sunday, July 1, 2012

"Won't You Be My Neighbor?"

Is Something Wrong With Me
If I Don't Own An I-Phone
Or Constantly Download An I-Tune
Or Prefer Typing To Touchscreens
And Find IPads And Twittering Annoying?

Is Something Wrong With Me
If I'm Not Always Looking Down
To Find A Text Message Or Wonder
How Many Facebook Friends Do I Have Now?

Is Something Wrong With Me
Because I Can Take A Week Off From Work
When I Feel Like Seeing My Family?

And Is Something Really Wrong With ME

If You Are Not Looking At What You Are Becoming
And Not Examining What It Is You Call 'Living'?

Does It Really Matter To Your Life
If You Get Your Latte From Starbucks
One Minute Later Than You Like?
And When Someone Asks You How Are You?
Do You Really Tell Them The Truth?

Do You Realize That You Will Be Old One Day Too
And Do You Want The Young People Then To Be Just Like You?

Is It So Difficult To Have A Phone Conversation Today
With Someone You Love Who Will Be Gone One Day?

Does Bitterness Still Live In Your Heart?
Or Is It That Your Love is Reserved Only For The Few?
Are There Battles You Feel Entitled to Win?
And Does Your Blood Still Boil Within?

So, What Will It Take
For You To Awake
And Realize Today

That Inside The Friendship Between You And Me
Lies The Salvation Of Humanity
