Tuesday, May 15, 2007

An Ode to Mom

I hope you are enjoying your special day
because even when I'm miles away
or even when I feel stuck at home
It does not matter where I roam
because a mother will always lie miles ahead
as inside her I was born and bred
and a mom's love will always stand apart
because I hold a special place
reserved for her in my heart.


-rish said...

A tribute to your mother! A fitting way to begin your blogging adventures indeed. Keep em' coming!

Punam said...

Hi Mita,

Love the poem. So well written.Any Mom is not a Mom without a loving & caring son or a daughter.

Love always,
Guess who

Patnaiwi said...

I can't believe that my 'little' Mitu brings out such reflection
in crafty beautiful verse,
You make me proud.

But a father cannot rest
without giving advice..
Do more joy and happiness,
focus less on sadness.
- dad

Mita said...

Really good one.....u have got good skill ...keep writing like this..All the very best Mitu.